
Showing posts from August, 2021

Promoting Africa’s efficiency in electricity distribution using spatial technology

Just as the rest of the world, Africa has of late taken keen interest in promoting utility of clean and affordable energy, the seventh UN’s Sustainable Development Goal, among its population by 2030. The energy sector in the continent across the value chain has for a while been characterised with a drop in efficiency according to International Energy Agency. These inefficiencies include electricity generation from non-renewable pollutant sources such as coal as well as skewed distribution of this twenty first century vital human need. Electricity coverage and efficiency gaps Access to electricity has steadily grown with a 43% access rate in Africa, half a figure to global trends. Populations in South Africa and Northern Africa countries have amazingly almost absolute access to electricity. Kenya on the other hand has a 79% access rate courtesy of ‘last mile connectivity program’. Governance issues, high tariffs and lack of laws protecting investors have however dragged optimization